Getting your employees to feel engaged and enthusiastic about working for your company is essential to create healthy and productive work environment. A great way to get them involved is by creating and implementing volunteer opportunities for them to participate in. Many companies nowadays offer the option for employees to take paid time off to volunteer for organizations within the community. Other companies may not pay, but still create and promote opportunities and events where employees are encouraged to put some community service hours in.

Here are some great reasons why you should get your company involved immediately:

1.     Volunteering lets employees see how working for the company directly impacts the community, and gives them more of a hands-on role in doing so.

2.     Community service allows employees to represent your company’s values and mission through philanthropic efforts.

3.     Contributing to a service project or fundraiser gives employees the opportunity to gain skills and experience that they can bring back into the office to share with others.

If you need some ideas on where and how you and your company’s service is needed, you can easily search online for volunteer opportunities. In the meantime, a few great places to start involve soup kitchens, retirement homes, schools, churches, libraries, and parks. Don’t be afraid to create your own service project by simply picking a date and time to meet up and clean up an area, pass out canned goods, or donate clothing items. Present these ides to your employees or your boss, and watch your company’s values come to life!