There is no right or wrong way to earn a good old college experience. There is no “college how-to” handbook to tell you what’s best, and as a hard-headed teen, you probably wouldn’t read it anyways. One thing all college graduates have in common, however, are regrets. There are some things we wish we did more of, some things we did less of, and some things we just wish we’d at least tried in the first place. However, it is not healthy to dwell on the past.
Below we’ve compiled a list of common college regrets and how to bounce back from them in the adult years to follow!
Regret: Never Studying Abroad
As a college student, resources to travel across the world and study other cultures and languages are plentiful. Unfortunately, several college students are intimidated by the opportunity, or afraid to be so far from home. As an adult, bounce back from this regret by making it a priority to travel to different places and soak up the different experiences and cultures along the way. A great way to do this is to save a small amount of each paycheck, and every year or so, see where you can go!
Regret: Expensive Textbooks and Supplies
Spending hundreds of dollars on textbooks that sell for pennies at the end of the semester seems to be every college student’s most dreaded task each year. By junior or senior year, some college students seek more affordable options such as textbook rental, sharing with classmates, or only buying necessary supplies. If you were not as resourceful, you have some bouncing back to do! As an adult, never feel pressured to spend unreasonable amounts of money on large purchases such as cars, TVs, and furniture. Instead, always seek other options! It may be in your best interest to rent, put items on layaway, or buy them used.
Regret: Not Getting Involved on Campus
If all you did in college was go to class and party, you may later realize that you could have gotten a lot more out of your years on campus! Bounce back from this by taking classes in subjects that interest you, finding others with common interest and hobbies, and participating in activities at work. Remember, you are not a robot and the only way to truly live is to make memories along the way!
Regret: Graduating Without Professional Relationships
If you found yourself struggling to list resources on job applications after college, you may regret that you didn’t visit your professor’s office hours more, or work with other staff on campus so they would remember you. As an adult, you can bounce back from this, and build your resources up, by maintaining professional relationships with some of your peers, and by building genuine relationships with your bosses. You never know when you’ll need them to speak up for you in the future.
Regret: Not Taking Advantage of Internships
In conjunction with the previous regret, some adults find themselves not able to list much professional experience on their resumes after graduating. Others find themselves interested in changing career paths, but too comfortable and content in their current job to explore. In college, internships gave students the opportunity to check out different job titles while gaining experience. If you did not take advantage of internships in college, bounce back by job shadowing friends and family in their jobs that interest you, work a part-time internship, or just take the risk and explore! It’s okay to want to try something new.
Who says college years are the best years of our lives? As mature adults, we can now look back on what we did wrong, and do it right this time! Bounce back from any and all regrets and enjoy your road to happiness and fulfillment!