Table of Contents

As a digital influencer, you likely have a lot of, well, influence. You have the power to affect people’s purchasing decisions and help brands meet their marketing objectives. People value your expertise, you’re a trendsetter, and you’ve mastered your craft. However, let’s be real; it can become overwhelming. Once you’ve “made it,” it can be a little challenging to do everything. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it all with a virtual assistant for social media influencers.

Can You Scale a Brand When The Brand Is You?

The short and sweet answer to this question is absolutely! Just because you’re the brand doesn’t mean you have to do everything. Yes, you might feel compelled to reply to ALL of your DMs and emails. Sure, you probably want to edit that video to perfection because only you can. However, there’s only so much time in a day, and you don’t want to spend your time doing things that you don’t have to do.

Don’t let the barrier to scaling your brand be you.

But Why Shouldn’t Social Media Influencers Do It All?

If you want to scale your brand/business, you simply can’t do it all. Scaling requires planning, funding, adequate systems, people, processes, and technology. Your business structure has to have the capability and capacity to scale, so it requires more than just you.

You don’t want to fall into the trap of “Why should I pay someone for something I can do myself?ā€ Those who do usually end up burned out and miserable. As the author, Kevin. D. Johnson, of “The Entrepreneur Mind,” stated, “If you desire to pass the primary level of self-employment and reach the upper echelons of entrepreneurship, learn to delegate quickly. If you want guaranteed, limited growth, you might as well get a job.


So Why Hire A Virtual Assistant for Digital Influencers?

Most virtual assistants are considered 1099 contractors, which means they’re not employees. Since they’re not employees, you don’t have to pay for insurance benefits, workers’ compensation, paid time off, and more. In other words, they’re a cost-effective option for someone looking to delegate.

Hiring a virtual assistant is a much more flexible option because you can use them as needed. Therefore, if one month you require a lot of assistance, but the next month you don’t, you can purchase fewer hours. Plus, you can hire a VA to complete practically whatever task you need assistance with, which we’ll go over more below. Contrary to popular belief, not all virtual assistants provide administrative services, but if that’s something you need, we can certainly help you with that.Ā 

How Can A Virtual Assistant Help A Social Media Influencer?

So, how exactly can a virtual assistant for influencers help you scale your brand? Here are several tasks they can do to help you focus on more important things:

1. Influencer Assistants Can Help With Administrative TasksĀ 

A virtual assistant for social media influencers could help you with numerous administrative tasks, like…

  • Researching your target audience to identify potential partnershipsĀ 
  • Coordinating with other influencers to expand your reachĀ 
  • Scheduling meetings and eventsĀ 
  • Responding to leads and clients via email, text, or follow-up callsĀ 
  • Adding customer data to CRM
  • Creating downloadable PDF guides, presentations, and more
  • Tracking industry trendsĀ 
  • Organizing digital files in Google Drive, One Drive, or another cloud-based platformĀ 
  • Creating, sending, and tracking invoicesĀ 
  • Helping you get booked on podcastsĀ 
  • And more

2. Virtual Assistants Can Aid With Customer Support TasksĀ 

A virtual assistant for digital influencers could also assist with a variety of customer support tasks, such as…

  • Email supportĀ 
  • Messaging individuals using WhatsApp, social media channels, etc.Ā 
  • Live chat supportĀ 
  • Phone support ā€“ following up on missed phone calls, text messages, and voicemailsĀ 
  • Cold calls

3. Let Your Virtual Assistant For Influencers Tackle Social Media TasksĀ 

Your virtual influencer assistant could assist you with the following social media to-dos:Ā 

  • Developing a social media strategy for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and/or other platforms
  • Finding and creating various types of contentĀ 
  • Scheduling posts
  • Managing social media partnerships/brand collaborations – ensuring requirements are fulfilledĀ 
  • Inbox management – send and respond to DMs
  • Answering questions in the comments section
  • Managing giveaways
  • Pinterest management
  • Moderating Facebook Groups, Clubhouse rooms, etc.
  • Conducting hashtag research

4. Oversee Email Marketing To-dos

Email marketing is a great way to nurture your leads and clients. However, if you don’t have time to do it, let an email marketing virtual assistant handle it. They can do the following:Ā 

  • Upload names and email addresses into email marketing platforms like ConvertKit, MailChimp, etc.Ā 
  • Create eye-catching templates that match your brand aestheticĀ 
  • Schedule emails to be sent in advance based on the schedule you desire
  • Set up automated emails so that leads can receive continuous information after completing your opt-inĀ 
  • Create different funnels for subscribers based on where they are in the sales processĀ 

5. Let a VA Handle Your Tech Tasks

The most innovative social media influencers use technology to help streamline tasks and expand their audience. Your virtual influencer assistant could help with:Ā 

  • Website maintenance for platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, WIX, and moreĀ 
  • Creating landing pages in ClickFunnels, Leadpages, etc.Ā 
  • Setting up CRMs like Dubsado, SalesForce, Honeybook, 17hats, etc.
  • Putting together workflows within your CRM based on your current processesĀ 
  • Website design and optimization
  • Online course set-up with Thinkific, Teachable, or another online platform
  • Email automation software set-up with MailChimp, ConvertKit, etc.
  • Membership set-up and management

6. Your Influencer Assistant Can Help With Personal To-Dos, Too

Need a hand with managing tasks in your personal life? A virtual personal assistant can help you with:Ā 

  • Finding and scheduling house cleaners
  • Searching online for gifts for your family members, friends, clients, etc.Ā 
  • Arranging for grocery delivery
  • Planning vacation itinerariesĀ 
  • Scheduling doctor appointmentsĀ 
  • Arranging for transportation
  • Researching childcare options
  • Setting up pet care services (dog walking, vet visits, etc.)
  • Researching senior care services
  • Meal planning supportĀ 


Take Your Business To New Heights With A Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant for Influencers

A virtual assistant is an investment to the influencer looking to take their brand to the next level. They’ll allow you to focus on the 20% of tasks in your business that drive the most results while they handle the rest. However, keep in mind that not all virtual assistants are the same. The key is to find one with the skill sets and experience to help drive your brand forward.

Our goal is to match you to a virtual assistant (or two) who can actually help you. We tackle the time-consuming and tedious part so you don’t have to. Learn more about our services by booking a discovery call below.

Let’s Chat – Book a Discovery Call