10 12, 2017

Corporate Concierge To The Rescue

By |2020-12-10T18:56:52-05:00December 10th, 2017|

Let’s face it... In a time where people are becoming increasingly unable to disconnect from work due to constant emails and more, it’s important to grant your employees with some sort of solution. What if your employees could have their [...]

26 11, 2017

Six Ways To Stand Out As A Realtor

By |2020-12-10T18:56:53-05:00November 26th, 2017|

To be successful as a realtor, it’s important to think like an entrepreneur…and thinking like an entrepreneur means you’re thinking in systems. Truth is, the entrepreneurs who are the most successful do these two things: Build processes that are not [...]

24 09, 2017

CRM Systems and Start-ups

By |2020-12-10T18:56:53-05:00September 24th, 2017|

A topic that comes up often from new entrepreneurs is, “what is a CRM and what does it have to do with me?” Well, a CRM (also known as Customer Relationship Management) is software that helps an organization keep track [...]

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